August Black

workshop: Lagoon Radio Research: Low to No bandwidth audio interaction and beyond

“What does the ocean say to the shore?  Nothing, it just waves.”  Let’s make some radio waves and stories using the ambient impulses, incursions, and random soundings of the lagoon.  To do so, we’ll take walks and sit and listen together.  After some doing that, we’ll think together on ways to modify our mobile recording devices (aka phones) as well as my Mezcal software to interact with the local Sri Lanka ecology for fun and profit interest! 

Project photos:, (credit: Alon Koppel)


August Black is a hybrid practitioner of art, design, and engineering. He makes experimental spatial, telematic, and acoustic situations and spaces, often creating his own software and instruments in hardware and software. He is currently an Assistant Professor at CU Boulder in the department of Critical Media Practices.

Additional links: https://august.black

Marc Juul

Project: Crafting custom antennas: Long distance low power communication using simple tools

In this workshop we will craft antennas for long distance communication on common unlicensed and cellular radio frequencies, then test out designs using antenna analyzers and real equipment. We will go over how to select antennas and communication hardware for a variety of real world scenarios from concrete jungles to actual jungles as well as common pitfalls and scams. This workshop will be light on theory with a focus on giving you the tools you need to quickly solve real world problems. A subset of the practical portion of this workshop will be kid friendly (making antennas by cutting flexible material with scissors).


Marc hacks on software, wetware and hardware. He has co-founded hackerspaces and biohackerspaces in Copenhagen (Labitat, BiologiGaragen) and Oakland (sudo room, Counter Culture Labs) and from there several community projects: A project to create vegan cheese using genetically modified microbes (, an off-grid low-bandwidth community mesh network ( and a high-bandwidth mostly-on-grid one ( He is excited about building decentralized and resilient open alternatives to existing infrastructure and wishes he didn’t have to specify that, no, this does not include cryptocurrencies.

Lisa Schonberg

Project: Human hearing is pretty mediocre – techniques for listening to hidden nonhuman soundworlds.

I will be building prototypes for interactive music composition systems with invertebrates in soil microhabitats. I am interested in nonhuman hearing perspectives and will be documenting and speculating on sonic entanglements between inter-specific, intra-specific, anthrophonic, and geophonic relations.


I am a composer, percussionist and sound artist with a background in ecology and entomology, & currently a PhD student in Electronic Arts at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. I make music and sound art based in ecological research with an emphasis on hidden invertebrate sound-worlds. I present my work in performance with my percussion ensemble, i, on albums, in Web-VR, in galleries & forests, and often contextualize it in print.

David Bowen

Project: plants and machine learning

I would like to create a series of art installations in which live plants train the computer that is responsible for caring for them.


David Bowen is a studio artist and educator whose work has been featured in numerous group and solo exhibitions nationally and internationally. Bowen’s work is concerned with aesthetics that result from interactive, reactive and generative processes as they relate to intersections between natural and mechanical systems. He is currently an Associate Professor of Sculpture and Physical Computing at the University of Minnesota.

Harold Tay

Workshop: Make a hydrophone, listen to underwater sounds!

Record the mysterious Singing Fish that live in the lagoon!  If you made a hydrophone at the workshop, we’ll turn them into an impromptu stereo array to localise the Singing Fish!


I’m an engineer. In past lives I’ve designed artillery, built Internet gateways for paging, banking, email, and worked on underwater acoustics and underwater robotics. Now I make passive acoustic recorders for wildlife conservation.

Betty Sargeant


Making Weatherproof Biopolymers

Betty has been working with PluginHUMAN to develop carbon neutral and carbon negative working practices and materials. During Dinacon, Betty will continue this creative research, investigating ways of developing weatherproof, compostable biopolymers. These biopolymers can be used widely as a replacement for many commercial plastics.


Dr Betty Sargeant is an award-winning eco-tech artist from Australia. Betty is creative director of the art-tech studio PluginHUMAN. Details on @PluginHUMAN (Instagram – and at

Mónica Rikić

Week 4

Workshop: Handmade soft robots experiments (and other stuff that moves)

We will experiment with alternative materials to create soft (and whatever type) of robots that move with or without electronics. The goal is to learn about other mechanical systems and weird gears.


Electronic artists from Barcelona that likes to play with handmade robots and other mechanical systems. I also like to imagine alternative scenarios for technological worlds.

Sid Drmay

Sid Drmay is a nonbinary queer multidisciplinary artist based in Hamilton, ON. They use textile art to explore growing up online, nosebleeds, queerness and transness and all the weirdness that comes with that. They love weaving, embroidery, screenprinting, their two cats, and sour gummy candies.

Andrew Quitmeyer

Dr. Andrew Quitmeyer is a hacker adventurer studying intersections between wild animals and computational devices. He left his job as a tenure track professor at the National University of Singapore to start his own Field Station Makerspace in Gamboa Panama: Digital Naturalism Laboratories ( Here he blends biological fieldwork and DIY digital crafting with a community of scientists, artists, designers, and engineers from around the world. He runs mobile workshops called “Hiking Hacks” where participants build interactive technology in outdoor, natural contexts. The Digital Naturalism Conference ( is his research’s largest event, pulling in over 100 participants annually from all fields to collaborate on finding new ways of interacting with nature. His research also inspired a silly spin-off international television series he starred in for Discovery Networks called “Hacking the Wild.”

L Wilkins

L Wilkins is a cyborg based in Toronto, Canada. They are currently a PhD student at the University of Toronto, chair at Site 3 coLaboratory, and co-executive director of Little Dada.

I’m interested in exploring the relationship between the senses at nature through cybernetics. I want to explore magnetic fields and translating them into physical experiences. I plan to create at least 2 devices that translate these fields into sensory experiences, and contrast this data with other environments.